UVB-76 Troll face

UVB 76 Broadcasting Troll Face on Russian Military Radio

UVB 76 Broadcasting Troll Face on Russian Military Radio

Troll face uvb 76 1:20 pm

Trollface on UVB-76

УВБ 76 troll face

UVB-76💀 #shorts #uvb76 #edit


Meme Music being played over UVB-76

[UVB-76, The Buzzer] Voice Message; 16. April 2021, 08:07 UTC

What is UVB-76? #Spies #espionage #numbersstation #shortwave

UVB-76 Trollface print 2023-11-19 15:36:17 UTC

Troll face and Rasputin Song Jamming Russian Military Radio

Guys Fawkes / Anonymous Mask used to Jam Russian Military Station #uvb76 #shorts #anonymous #ukraine

UVB-76/The Buzzer invaded by pirates and trolls (Pac-Man edition)

UVB-76 / 4625kHz (trolling pirate)

The crawler in the pipeline incident 💀⚰️🥀//#trollgescary #meme #trollface #subscribe #scary

The Buzzer breakdown in July 15 2022 #uvb76

4chan trolling The Buzzer with music (UZB-76/UVB-76/MDZhB)

UVB-76/The Buzzer invaded by pirates and trolls (Caramelldansen edition)

UVB-76 girl speak

4625 kHz / UVB-76 - Kapitan Bomba [Trolling Pirate]

Russia-ukraine war |troll face|#shorts #ussr #russia #ukraine #war

Barka na UVB-76/The Buzzer Russian Radio heh

pirates are jamming Russian frequency as troll face #car #pepsivscocacola #worldofcocacola