
How the colors around you impact your mood | Dagny Thurmann-Moe | TEDxArendal

Why comfort will ruin your life | Bill Eckstrom | TEDxUniversityofNevada

TED & TEDx Explained

How to challenge your negative self talk #shorts #tedx

The keys to living a rich life | Bridget Hilton | TEDxTemecula

What people get wrong about innovation | Alice Carter | TEDxALURwanda

I gave a TedX talk & here’s how it went #tedx #tedxtalk

How to get your brain to focus #shorts #tedx

N'attendez pas votre place, créez-la! | Rebecca Sfedj | TEDxEMLYON

A polyglot's secrets for better public speaking | Amina Boumaiza | TEDxUniversity of Algiers

A simple cure for loneliness #shorts #tedx

Two Easily Remembered Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts | Anthony Metivier | TEDxDocklands

The myths about women and strength training #shorts #tedx

Les 6 règles pour avoir confiance en soi | Sally | TEDxBrussels

Can We Improve Our Brain? Neuroplasticity & Integrative Health | CECILIA FERNANDES | TEDxGreensboro

Why Everyone Should Learn a Second Language | J Lou | TEDxHKU

The Secret to Getting Anything You Want in Life given by Jennifer Cohen | Jen Cohen | TEDxBuckhead

What I learned from getting rid of 99% of my stuff | Eagranie Yuh | TEDxHobart

How not to take things personally #shorts #tedx

Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

My friend broke up with me—here’s what I learned #shorts #tedx

How to do laundry when you're depressed #shorts #tedx

Why do people get cancer, how it spreads, and how to prevent it?  | Sendurai Mani | TEDxProvidence

La gorda que ya no quiere adelgazar | Priscila Arias | TEDxTecate Youth