Professor Turi King

The Curious Case of Kaspar Hauser - Professor Turi King

Professor Turi King - Showreel 2023

DNA Family Secrets: What is my ethnicity?

DNA Family Secrets: Was I lied to about my mother's death? Jean's story

Professor Turi King: Showreel

DNA inheritance in families - Professor Turi King

DNA Family Secrets: What happened to my sister?

DNA Family Secrets - Professor Turi King

DNA Family Secrets: Are we full or half-sisters?

Taking a DNA test - which company and why? Professor Turi King

Solving a 500 Year Old Cold Case - with Turi King

DNA Family Secrets: Can I find my siblings?

British Family Name Origins - Professor Turi King

DNA Family Secrets: Do I have any donor conceived children?

Why we are all related to royalty - Professor Turi King

The percentage of DNA inheritance in families - Professor Turi King

DNA Family Secrets: Where was our birth father from? The triplets' story

DNA Family Secrets Series 2 - Professor Turi King

My Family's Secret: Sir Paul Nurse

The Princes in the Tower: could scientific analysis help identify the remains in Westminster Abbey?

DNA Story: The Curious Case of Rick Lovering's Mother

DNA search to identify Sir George Yeardley - Professor Turi King

DNA Family Secrets: Do I have sperm donor siblings?

DNA Family Secrets: Do I have a secret sister?