
Company Movie - Orfit Industries

Resting hand orthosis (Orfit Colors NS Gold) - Splinting Techniques 2/10

Circumferential elbow orthosis (Aquafit NS or Orfit Natural NS) - Splinting techniques 5/10

Wrist and Thumb Orthosis (Orfit Colors NS) - Splinting Techniques 9/10

Orfit AIO Head & Neck

Nanor® Immobilization Masks

Orfit AIO Prone Breastboard

Efficast 3-points Head Immobilization Mask - Instruction Video

Thumb CMC - Orficast Instructional Movie 7

Orfit op ATV bij Antwerpen@Work - Gevriesdroogde bloemen en bestralingsmaskers

Anti-ulnar drift orthosis - Orficast Instructional Movie 20

Capener orthosis - Orficast Instructional Movie 3

Volar Wrist Cock-up Orthosis (Orfit Flex NS) - Splinting techniques 4/10

Orfit Proton Solutions at Huntsman Cancer Institute

Anti-swan neck orthosis (rolled oval 8) - Orficast Instructional Movie 6

Orfit Classic Soft Non Perforated Splinting Material

Anti-claw hand orthosis (including thumb) - Orficast Instructional Movie 4

Mallet finger orthosis (secured by tape) - Orficast Instructional Movie 21

Full finger pinch - Orficast Instructional Movie 2

Orfit AIO Bellyboard and Pelvic

Anti claw orthosis (Orfit Strips in Orfit Colors NS) - Splinting techniques 6/10

Orfit stand 2019

Orfit AIO Breast- and Lungboard

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