[SPLASH'24] San Gabriel - OOPSLA (Oct 23th)

OOPSLA21 teaser: How to Speed Up Differentiable Programming by 300X

[OOPSLA] Scrap your Boilerplate with Object Algebras

[OOPSLA] Automating Ad-hoc Data Representation Transformations

Coarsening Optimization for Differentiable Programming

'Machine Learning for Developer Productivity' by Satish Chandra (Strange Loop 2022)

What is Scrum: An Introduction to the Scrum Framework

Matching Logic: Foundation of the K Framework

Holy Liturgy | February 24th, 2019

IOHK | Formal Design, Implementation and Verification - Prof. Grigore Rosu

Quantum Computing Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities - Dr. Yufei Ding

'Compiler and Runtime Support for Exploring AI-GPU Acceleration' - Yufei Ding

Quantum Computing Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities - Yufei Ding

Introduction to Scrum

Intro to Scrum Webinar - Presented by Axosoft & Scrum.org

[ASI] Clase Teórica 12/05 - Paradigma Orientado a Objetos