
Biggest Megaprojects Under Construction in 2024

Romania is Building the Biggest Orthodox Church in the World

Saudi Arabia is Building a Two-Kilometer Skyscraper (Because Everything Else is Going Well)

Top 20 Biggest Megaprojects Completing in 2024

The MiG 1.44: How the Soviets Answered the F-22

10 Biggest Megaprojects in The World

The Megaproject to Save America's Doomed Dams

What Would Happen if the Panama Canal Became Unusable?

China’s new advanced train station megaproject!!!

Neom: An Update on the World's Most Ridiculous City (It's Still Ridiculous...)

The X-12: The Incredible Idea for A Nuclear Train

$18,000,000 Military Vs $800,000,000,000 Military

Dyson Sphere: The Megaproject that Requires an Entire Solar System...

Most Useless Megaprojects in the World

Europe's Megaproject to Replace Russian Railways

China has Made A Water Based Battery: But Does it Live up to the Hype?

The Biggest Megaprojects in the World

If THIS CRAZY MEGAPROJECT Is Completed, WORLD Will Change Forever! Top 20

Dubai’s $5 Billion Lunatic Megaproject

Just Burn the Money: China's Failed Megaprojects

Rapid Dragon: The USAFs Incredible New Missile System

F-313: Iran's Own Stealth Fighter

The Most Useless Megaprojects in the World

Oman’s $2.6B ‘Smart City’ Megaproject Is Disrupting the Dubai Archetype | WSJ Breaking Ground