
Best before dates: How supermarkets tamper with your food (CBC Marketplace)

This woman posted a $30 table on Facebook Marketplace. She almost lost thousands


Value Village markups: Testing if you're getting a deal (Marketplace)

How Stolen Goods End Up On Amazon, eBay And Facebook Marketplace

Hidden cameras catch HVAC scam in action (Marketplace)

Testing double-A batteries: dollar stores vs. major brands (Marketplace)

Tracking stolen cars: How they could end up in West Africa (Marketplace)

Hugh Masekela - Market Place

Facebook Marketplace Car Hunt Challenge

Hidden camera investigation: Best Buy electronics (Marketplace)

Banned in Europe, sold in Canada. What’s in your food? (Marketplace)

Here's what's in your bottled water (Marketplace)

Locksmith ripoffs: Hidden camera investigation (Marketplace)

The hidden price of your clothes: Hidden camera (Marketplace)

Mortgage fraud caught on camera: Undercover investigation (Marketplace)

Real estate agents caught breaking the law on hidden camera (Marketplace)

How to buy a car without getting ripped off (Marketplace)

Why are Canadian phone plans so expensive? (Marketplace)

How to survive inflation (Marketplace)

Oil change scams: Hidden camera investigation on what really happens to your car (CBC Marketplace)

5 Signs Of A Scam When Selling On Facebook Marketplace

Hidden cameras catch driving instructors cheating the system | Marketplace

HealthCare.Gov's Health Insurance Marketplace Has You Covered