Lou Kauffman

Louis H. Kauffman

Louis Kauffman, Classical and virtual knot theory (lecture 14)

Math Prof. Louis Kauffman rips science a new one: Noncommutativity proves Brownian motion commutator

Louis Kauffman 'Slice Knots and Conway's Skein Theory' 03 20 14

QC0075: Prof. Lou Kauffman: Majorana, Fermions, Braiding & The Dirac Equation, QAD

Lou Kauffman: What Progress or Regress We Made 72 Years After Passing of Wittgenstein

Louis H. Kauffman, Reconnection number of vortex knots

Rotational virtual links, parity... (Louis H. Kauffman, U. of Chicago/Novosibirsk State U.)

Revolutions in Knots, Braids and Physics ▸ KITP Chalk Talk by Louis Kauffman

Louis Hirsch Kauffman - Rope Magic and Topology - G4G15 February 2024

Louis Kauffman, Virtual Knot Theory and Khovanov Homology (lecture 5)

Lou Kauffman: Karl Popper Discussion

Circularity, Topology and Cybernetics: Second Order Science (Plenary Keynote at WMSCI 2013)

Louis Kauffman, Reconnection Number of Vortex Knots

Louis Kauffman, The Dirac Equation and the Majorana Dirac Equation

Louis Kauffman's talk at the MIF++ seminar, https://kurlin.org/MIFplusplus.php

Louis H Kauffman - Counting Colorings of Cubic Graphs via a Generalized Penrose Bracket

From Hamilton’s Quaternions to Graves & Cayley’s Octonions – Louis Kauffman

The square root of minus one is a clock

Math Prof Lou Kauffman Primordial Time, Noncommutative phase, Yuan Qi, vs Deep Time standard science

Angel Kim and Louis Kauffman

Lou Kauffman: What is a Structure that It can Appear in Contradictory Forms to Multiple Observers

Math Prof Lou Kauffman's noncommutative Pythagorean Theorem proof is published as quantum negentropy

Lou Kauffman - Distinction, Dictionary, and Disagreement (DDD)