Level UP mario

Level UP: Mario lost his Hat and then this happened

Level UP: Mario vs the Cavern of Poison Mushrooms

Level UP: Mario and the Ladder of Worlds

Goomba stomped Mario and this happened

Super Mario Bros. but the floor is TOMATO SAUCE (Extended version)

Level UP: Mario's Rising Acid Escape

Level UP: Mario's Weird Mushroom Bloopers

When everything Mario jumps on turns to TNT!

Level UP: The Mario Mayhem Collection (ALL EPISODES)

Level UP: Mario finds a Mega Mushroom but never stops growing

When Note Blocks become 1000x more dangerous in Super Mario Bros.

Level UP: Mario's Death Trap Mayhem

Level UP: CRAZIEST Mario Battles (Season 2)

I animated MORE of your Mario ideas!

Super Mario Bros. but the floor is PIKACHUS

Level UP: Mario and the Zombie Apocalypse

Level UP: Funniest Mario videos ALL EPISODES (Season 7)

Level UP: Mario's Maze Mayhem (ALL EPISODES) Season 3

When Mario becomes ACIDPROOF! (Animating your ideas #3)

Level UP: Mario vs Bowser's Mega Submarine

I animated your Mario ideas!

Level UP: Mario and the Giant PokeBall Maze

When everything Mario touches turns to Coins

I animated EVEN MORE of your Mario ideas!