
The Maker

The Maker - This fan art is epic!

The Maker - Hourglass secrets revealed!

Zero - Part 1

The Maker - Are we living in a multiverse?

Zero - Trailer

The Maker - You must create

The Maker - Why the music is such a perfect fit

Zero - Stunt double

Zero - How we made our puppets walk

The Maker - Behind the Scenes: Part 1

The Maker - Behind the Scenes: Part 2

Ghost Girl (Official Short Film)

Zero - The law of attraction

The Maker - Imagining the workshop

Bill Kezelos in Session

Allure - Behind the Scenes - Puppet Design

Short Summary of Book Magnum Opus by Christopher & Christine Kezelos In Under 5 Minutes

Zero / Short Movie / 2010 / Christopher Kezelos 

Allure - Behind the Scenes - Set Design

Zero - The importance of eyebrows

The Maker - Behind the Scenes

Zero - Adding backgrounds

Zero - Behind the Scenes