
MSIA | John-Roger on The Master Key - Divine Love

MSIA | John-Roger on How Do I Succeed?

John-Roger on Drugs

MSIA | John-Roger How to Protect Yourself Spiritually

MSIA | John-Roger on Being Available to Yourself

Inner Realms of Consciousness Meditation

MSIA | John-Roger on Living the Highest Good

MSIA | John-Roger Remember We are not Separate from God

MSIA | John-Roger Seeing Your Self through the Eyes of Christ

MSIA | John-Roger Initiation, Clearing Karma, and the Realms of God

MSIA | John-Roger Demonstrates the Energy of God

MSIA | Breathing Meditation by John-Roger

MSIA | John-Roger A Song of the Soul

MSIA | John-Roger Heartbeat of God Meditation

MSIA | John-Roger Meditation Technique to Awaken the Soul

MSIA | John-Roger on the Sound of God

MSIA | John-Roger on Using Everything for Your Advantage

MSIA | John-Roger on the Value of Small Changes

MSIA | John-Roger How To Manifest Love

MSIA | John-Roger on Relationships

MSIA | John-Roger The world is a mirror and forgiveness is the key

MSIA | John-Roger Mirar Con los Ojos del Amor para Ver al Cristo

MSIA | John-Roger on What is Influencing Us?

MSIA | John-Roger on Accepting What Is