Hal Puthoff

Eric Weinstein explains why you don't need an expensive piano teacher

Will Hal Puthoff ever write a book on what he knows?

Hal Puthoff: The pros and cons of disclosure?

Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff - Salvatore Pais

'Why are you wasting your time on a wormhole?' | Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein: 'I am TERRIFIED of this Man!”

Hal Puthoff explains to TTSA & VIEWERS how he determines if MATERIAL is of ALIEN NATURE

US Psychic Spy Program & Remote Viewing (Hal Puthoff & Eric Weinstein)

Hal Puthoff on the Anomalous Coalition Podcast - Ontological Shock and How UFOs Fly

Eric Weinstein Λ Mick West: New Physics, Elon Musk, Stigma, Black Projects

Hal Puthoff (Original Mix)

UFO Tech Reverse-Engineering Project | Top Secret ET UAP & UFOs Technology News by Dr. Steven Greer

Kelly to James - Hal Puthoff and disclosure

Eric Weinstein and Hal Puthoff talk UFO PHYSICS

Is Remote Viewing Scientology? #shorts

Edward Witten Epic Reply 🤣 Destroys String Theory Dissenters

'We Can't Ignore This Anymore' - Eric Weinstein

Hal Puthoff Presentation - UFO / UAP Threats and misinformation

the MOST Haunted Canyons at UFO hot spot Magic Mesa - Part 4

Federico Capasso on Russian Zero-Point Energy turbines from 1960s #zeropointenergy #perpetualmotion

Lue Elizondo's First Appearance on Theories of Everything

Hal Puthoff: Comment on your work with Ken Shoulders

Dr. Harold 'Hal' Puthoff on Harmful Metric-Engineering Consequences (Blueshift)

Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Ability - by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff - Book Summary