
CompBioMed Virtual Humans Film

CompBioMed: Addressing Biomedical Challenges with High Performance Computing

Clinicians in CompBioMed

CompBioMed Webinar 1: HPC simulations of cardiac electrophysiology using patient specific models

HPI Conference/ CompBioMed: Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine

9. CompBioMed & the Virtual Human Building digital twins for healthcare using HPC & AI

CompBioMed 2019 broadens horizon for biomed students

CompBioMed 2021: Enabling organized computer simulations with patient cohort data

CompBioMed Webinar 10: HemeLB – Simulation of cardiovascular flow on high performance computers

Peter V Coveney: CompBioMed 2019 judged a success

CompBioMed 2019 inspires women to study computational science

CompBioMed e-Seminar 18: High Performance Containers

Crispin Keable: Atos demos QLM quantum computer simulation at CompBioMed 2019

CompBioMed Webinar 9: EUDAT services for FAIR Data Management

SC21: Visualization of Human-Scale Blood Flow Simulation Using Intel® OSPRay Studio on SuperMUC-NG

Mariano Vázquez: Virtual Human medical testing is the future of medicine now

Narges Zarrabi (SURFsara): Data Management in CompBioMed: Moving towards FAIR Data

CompBioMed - Andrea Townsend-Nicholson

Andrew Hopkins: AI can reduce time and cost of drug design by 80%

Computational Science Impacts on Biomedics of the Future

Derek Groen: VECMA toolkit enables scientists to verify their simulations

Margaret Johnson: Cutting-edge cell simulation draws modelling from real-life data

Anne M Robertson: Surgeons and computational scientists collaborate to save lives

Darren Green: GSK using AI to work faster and more efficiently