Adam J. Story DC

3 things that lower BLOOD PRESSURE and CHOLESTEROL at the same time

Which Blood Pressure Number is Dangerous? 💥Astonishing Confessions💥

Secret Knee Exercise for Arthritis - INSTANT RESULTS

5 Reasons MAGNESIUM is great for Blood Pressure #4 is most important

Why take a collagen supplement?

Dopamine = Lower BLOOD PRESSURE

3 Daily Habits: These lowered my BLOOD PRESSURE (full details)

3 Times Blood Pressure SHOULD be Higher 💥#3 is Controversial💥

Breathing for Blood Pressure Control: Watch what happens when I do THIS...

6 Inexpensive Foods that lower Blood Pressure

The 8 supplements in my cupboard I take daily and WHY

Carbs are not going to kill you

3 Secrets of Getting off BLOOD PRESSURE Medication 💥#3 is the KEY 💥

10 reasons YOUR doctor is an a..hole

How I lowered my Blood Pressure within 3 hours

2 Methods to lower BLOOD PRESSURE within 5 Minutes

CoQ10 Blood Pressure - 3 important considerations

7 Clues you can lower your Blood Pressure Naturally

How to Check Blood Pressure (and be ACCURATE)

Exercise = Not necessary for weight loss?

NEVER Combine Avocados with Blood Pressure Medication 💥Why?W💥

Blood Pressure and Magnesium: How much do we need?

3 Things that Cause High Blood Pressure {❌#3 will SHOCK You}

Vitamin K2 and Calcified Arteries - Blood Pressure Solutions