
When 100iv wild Gengar surprised me..... 😳 Pokemon go

OMG😱Hundo 💪powerful Pokemon ... CP ??? #pokemon #soparstart #100iv #100ivpokemon #shorts

Omg! Got 100iv + shiny pokemon

Registeel Counter and 100iv In pokemon Go #pokemongo #pokemon

When I got my unexpected Shiny+100iv..... 😍 Pokemon go

My first 100% IV EVER!

100iv trick 😯 see what happen.... #pokemongo #shorts

😳100iv pokemon Finally Got Beautiful pokemon #pokemon #soparstart #100iv

100 IV... ? 🤯 #pokemongo #100iv

How to catch & snipe SHINY 100IV Pokémon | SHUNDO Guide for Beginners - PGSHARP

I got 100 IV Gible in 7 days Research😱😱Pokemon Go#pokemongo#shorts #pokemontcg#100ivpokemon#pokemon

When I catch 100iv + fully evolved in wild..... 😳 Pokemon go

When I suddenly catch rarest Shiny+100iv..... 😳 Pokemon go

When I suddenly catch rare fully evolved 100iv..... 😳 Pokemon go

How To Catch 100iv Rare Pokemon in Pokémon Go | Pokemon Go Best 100iv Tracker in 2023

100% IV PERFECT Shadow Pokémon CAUGHT in #pokemongo

💯I Hatched THIS 100 IV Pokemon In Pokemon Go!💯 #pokemon #shorts

Finally I Got When I caught this 100iv .....😳 Pokemon go #pokemon #soparstart #ultragoo

😲100iv SURPRISE from special research in pokemon go #shorts #100iv #hundo #specialresearch

When 100iv Mighty appears and..... 😳 Pokemon go

When I got my new Shiny+100iv finally..... Pokemon go

Maxing my *SHUNDO* Garchomp in Pokemon Go | Shiny 100IV | Level 50 | Gible Garchomp | Pokemon Go

When I evolved my Shiny+100iv and boom..... 😳 Pokemon go

3000+ Candies 😳 for 100iv shiny + level 40 Maxed.