Все публикации

CSM 2024 Welcome message

UCalgary MMI parody video - Class of 2026 (Lunkarya)

View the Cumming School of Medicine's major philanthropic and health excellence milestones

Decade of impact: how Geoff Cumming's gift to UCalgary's medical school is sparking healthier lives

How a founding gift to the Hotchkiss Brain Institute impacted one essential tremor patient's life

CSM's 2024 IAMSE conference promotional video

Cumming School of Medicine Friesen Prize Lecture 2024

CSM Update: Congratulations 2024 CSM graduates

Generous gift to the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute transforms cancer research in Canada

CSM Update: Reimagining health for all in 2024

ACF | Immunotherapy Explained

CSM Strategic Plan 2023

Introducing the CSM Strategic Plan 2023

Todd Anderson CSM Fall 2023 Welcome Message

CSM Update: Congratulations to all graduates

UCalgary Medicine Class of 2025 | MMI Musical Parody 2023 | The Lumps in Our Journey

Friesen Prize Lecture 2023 at the Cumming School of Medicine

Watching the immune system fight fungi

Dr. Todd Anderson’s 2022 CSM Holiday message

Start something by giving

Celebrating Dr. Jon Meddings

2020 CSM Alumni Awards

2021 CSM Alumni Awards

UCalgary working to solve mysteries of the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) and other infectious diseases