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A spherical ball is dropped in a long column of a highly viscous liquid. The curve in the graph

The velocity of a small ball of mass M and density ρ , when dropped in a container filled with

The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius 5 mm falling through a tank of oil at room

If a soap bubble expands, the pressure inside the bubble NEET 2022A) increasesB)

The venturi-meter works on : NEET 2023A) The principle of

Two copper vessels A and B have the same base area but of different shapes. A takes twice the

The amount of energy required to form a soap bubble of radius 2cm from a soap solution is

A thin flat circular disc of radius 4.5 cm is placed gently over the surface of water. If surface

The viscous drag acting on a metal sphere of diameter 1 mm , falling through a fluid of

An ideal fluid is flowing in a non-uniform cross-sectional tube X Y (as shown in the figure) from

The Young's modulus of steel is twice that of brass. Two wires of same length and of same area of

The following four wires are made of the same material. Which of these will have the largest

In the ratio of diameters, lengths and Young's modulus of steel and copper wires shown in the

Copper of fixed volume V is drawn into wire of length l . When this wire is subjected to a

The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700 m . The compressibility of water is 45.4 × 10^(−11)

The bulk modulus of a spherical object is B . If it is subjected to uniform pressure p , the

The value of coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is 5 × 10^(−4) 𝐾^(−1). The fractional

Two wires are made of the same material and have the same volume. The first wire has cross-sectional

When a block of mass M is suspended by a long wire of length L , the length of the wire becomes

The stress-strain curves are drawn for two different materials X and Y . It is observed that the

A wire of length L , area of cross section A is hanging from a fixed support. The length of the

Assertion (A): The stretching of a spring is determined by the shear modulus of the material of the

Let a wire be suspended from the ceiling (rigid support) and stretched by a weight W attached at

The amount of elastic potential energy per unit volume (in SI unit) of a steel wire of length 100