Все публикации

I Apegnosmeni Dia Ton Vion


Kanonas M. Savvatou

Tou Skypsantos To Talanton

Dyo Kai Ponira Epoiisen

O Tropos Sou Doliotitos Gemei

Ton Nymfona Sou Vlepo

Idou Skotia

Allalaxate To Kyrio

Evlogiso Ton Kyrion

Kyrie Ta Teleotata Fronein


They stripped me of my garments

Kyrie Eleison

Behold, God entrusts the talent to you

Apolytikion of St Porphyrios & St Nektarios

Today He hangs on the Cross

All of creation rejoices in You

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos

Christ is Risen

Moses at the time of temperance

Seeing You on the Cross

Trisagios Hymn

My soul