Все публикации

Debugging in Pygame

Creating Space Invaders in Pygame/Python

An introduction to programming in After Effects

How to create coding tutorials [or at least how I make them]

The ultimate introduction to Pygame

Creating an animated button in Pygame

Creating a Minecraft style menu in Python [Ursina]

Saving and loading in pygame with json

Creating Minecraft in Python [with the Ursina Engine]

Customizing sublime text

Creating Snake in Godot

Learning pygame by creating Snake [python tutorial]

Creating particle effects in pygame

Creating a health bar in pygame [Dark Souls style]

Creating a fancy bar graph in MatPlotLib

Learn Godot by creating Pong

Pygame/Python tutorial: Creating Zelda-style hearts

Pygame / Python tutorial: Creating a GTA2 style driving mechanic

Learning pygame by making Pong part 4 - Reworking the code with sprites (+making it look prettier)

Simulating physics in Python

Learning Pygame by making Pong part 3 - Improving the collision mechanics and adding sound

Python / Pygame tutorial: Getting text input

Python / Pygame Tutorial: Animations with sprites

Learning Pygame by making Pong Part 2: Adding the score and a countdown timer