Все публикации

The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? (Part 6)

The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? (Part 5)

The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? (Part 4)

The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? (Part 3)

The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? (Part 2)

The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? (Part 1)

David Seymour Being Called 'A Useless Maori' By Willie Jackson

Seymour's Bill. Does It Create Division Or Not?

The Treaty For Dummies, Article 1, Part 6

Article One Of The Treaty Of Waitangi. Did Maori Cede Sovereignty Or Not? (Part 5)

What's so VERY Wrong With Tuku Morgan?

The Treaty Of Waitangi For Dummies. Article One. Part 4. Did Maori cede Sovereignty or not?

Treaty For Dummies. Article One Of The Treaty. Part 3

The Coming Crisis For Luxon

luxons coming crisis2

The Treaty Of Waitangi For Dummies. Article 1, part 1

The Treaty For Dummies - The Preamble

The Coming Crisis For Luxon. Update 2/8/24

Luxon's Coming Crisis

How You Can Help Save New Zealand. Do Your Bit

The Madness Of Te Mana O Te Wai

How You Can Help Stop Co-Governance And The Maorification Of New Zealand

Putting a business card on car windows

Treaty Ignorance. The Enormous Cost (Part 3)