Все публикации

Siegfried Lukatis on Insel Bucherei, the iconic German book series

Karen Etingin on running a vintage poster shop

Paul Wells on Writing Politics for Newspapers, Magazines, Books & Substack

Christopher Long on the Genius Graphics of Lucian Bernhard

Andrew Nash on the value of Publishers' Archives

Marta Sylvestrova on Czech Film Poster Design

Nana Lohrengel on booksellers school in Milan

Maria Hamrefors: the Voice of Swedish Bookselling

Barbara Hoepli on how they love Bookstores in Italy

Scott Ferris on Artist and Book Illustrator Rockwell Kent

Pierre Assouline on Gaston Gallimard, the great French publisher

Director Lizzie Gottlieb on Books, Writers, Editors, and her documentary Turn Every Page

Richard Charkin on the measures required to succeed in publishing

Alexandra Pringle on arm-hair and other secrets to great editing

Michael Torosian on How to Interview an Artist

Anton Bogomazov on Mark LaFramboise and the role of the Bookstore Book Buyer

Serge Belet on 125 Kilos of Books at the Canadian Centre for Architecture #15

Shannon deVito on her role as 'Director of Books' at B & N

Jiri Nenicka on Samizdat and How to Resist Totalitarian Censorship

Michael Zantovsky on Vaclav Havel and writing the biography of a close friend

Jonathan Landgrebe on Suhrkamp Verlag, Germany's Faber & Faber

Mark Andrews on Collecting Books about the Science and Engineering of Water

Kat McKenna on how Tik Tok's BookTok sells books

Stephen Enniss on special collections libraries and value