Все публикации

Gonzalo Beviglia - Writing engineering strategy

Krzysztof Rzymkowski - The Art of Text Parsing

⚡️LT - Oskar Korczak - Annoying habit of perfectionism

WarsawJS Meetup #119 online

Jerzy Nowiński - How to build real-time video processing web app

Piotr Sławiński - The Dark Forest Of The Dead Internet

WarsawJS Meetup #118 online

Robert Pasiński - Deep Dive into JS task scheduling

WarsawJS Meetup #117 online

⚡️LT - Krzysztof Moszyński - Sphere of influence and Proactive Mindset

Andrii Romasiun - Writing secure JavaScript

⚡️LT - Iga Trydulska - How LLMs influence the gender bias portrayed in the media?

Michał Michalczuk - TypeScript Template literal types - who need it anyway?

WarsawJS Meetup #116 online

Szymon Mentel - Multi-tenant apps with single-tenant SQLite databases in global Tigris buckets

⚡️LT - Waleria Gorobets - Technology of mass healing

Michał Miszczyszyn - The Power of Property-Based Testing in TypeScript / Strengthening Code Quality

⚡️LT - Olga Milczek - Less is slow. When a few lines of code can make your app much slower

Mieszko Sabo - Type level programming in TypeScript

⚡️Lightning Talk - Daniel Janus - Lossy CSS compression for fun and loss (or profit)

⚡️Lightning Talk - Łukasz Chludziński - Performance cheat codes - lightning edition

⚡️Lightning Talk - Glafira Zhur - Error 404: Field label not found

⚡️LT - Przemek Jóźwiakowski - AI Gym - the only vocational school for programmers that we need

Tobiasz Ciesielski - TailwindCSS - Why you should have it in your project?