Все публикации

Refreshing twice in Power Query in Excel? Why? Fix it now.

Comparing Two Lists in Excel with Functions - all Power Query Merge Joins - T0033

How to append data with Vstack

Make Power Query load all queries as Connection Only by default

Power Query is a tool in Excel to automate data preparation procedures. snapreportschamp.com/course

The best way to create Dependent Dropdown Lists in Excel

Dynamic Dependent Dropdown Lists in Excel: create and manage all the categories you need - T0032

The easiest Excel Formula to get a sorted list of unique values . | Celia Alves - Microsft MVP

This Excel Formula calculates running totals even with text in cells. | Celia Alves - Microsft MVP

LOWER Excel Function (Celia Alves - Microsoft MVP & Certified Excel Expert)

PROPER FUNCTION (Celia Alves - Microsoft MVP & Certified Excel Expert)

Combining text from cells in the same column in Power Query without combining the whole rows T0031

How to make dynamic the path to the data source files in Power Query in Excel | L0027

Make your Pivot Tables in Excel update automatically without having to click refresh | L0026

Separating text in one cell into multiple columns - Power Query vs Excel Features | L0025

How to Sum columns by criteria on the column header in Power Query | L0024

How to combine in a folder multiple files with different column headers - T0030

How to rename columns in Power Query that change the name on each data updating - T0029

How to combine pivoted data from multiple sheets in an Excel file

Ways of recycling work in Power Query and saving time T0028

Easy way to import messy CSV files into Excel The importance of defining data types in Power Query

How to unstack data in repeated groups of rows in the same column with Power Query in Excel

Find out where you can use Power Query and the data sources it can connect to

How to make Power Query deal with a variable number of columns in a text source file