Все публикации

Soviet Classical Music: Sergei Prokofiev - Revolution

Soviet Classical Music: Georgy Sviridov - Oh, Misfortune Befalls My Darling

The Red Army Choir - Soldier's paths

Song-story about Mamayev Kurgan

The Red Army Choir - When Soldiers Sing

The Red Army Choir - The Battle Of Lake Khasan

Soviet song - Golden lights

The Red Army Choir - Our Guard

Soviet song - You said yourself

Soviet song - A Dream

The Red Army Choir - Oh you wide field

Soviet song - My Don

Leningrad Red Army Choir - Behind the Don River (Young Cossack's song)

Kuban Marching Song (English subtitles)

Soviet song (1938) - Do not touch us (English subtitles)

The Cossack's song (1937) (Instrumental version)

Soviet song (1939) - Ah, Sweet Cherry the Ukrainian (English subtitles)

Soviet song - My Native Side (English subtitles)

The Red Army Choir - The Song of Conscripts (English subtitles)

Soviet song (1935) - In a Plain Field, Under a Willow (English subtitles)

Sergei Lemeshev - The song of a lone peasant (English subtitles)

Soviet song (1947) - The Komsomol song (English subtitles)

Soviet song (1938) - Do not come here, samurais (English subtitles)

Soviet song (1939) - Cavalryman (English subtitles)