Все публикации

Is rest productive?💭 #sleep #sleepbetter #mentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthminute #brain

Where do I fit in? Not British enough? Not Indian enough? #passport #fittingin #innerconversations

London Doctor Diaries - work-life balance does✨NOT✨exist.. #worklifebalance #annualleave #health

London Doctor Diaries - ✨You are not lazy, you are burnt out!✨ #burnout #mentalhealth #health

Trying single malt whiskey ice cream for the first time! #scotlandhighlands #visitscotland #travel

London Doctor Diaries | welcoming Autumn, mother-daughter time, flower market, Hampstead Heath..

spend a ✨sunday morning✨ with me #flowermarket #londondoctordiaries #londonthingstodo #shorts

✨London on a budget✨#freethingstodo #londonactivities #shorts #londonlife #londontravelvlog

✨Northern Lights✨ in #edinburgh #auroraborealis #auroramagic #bucketlist #shorts #visitscotland

London Doctor Diaries | What I Spend In a Week Living and Working in London

✨THIS✨ childhood lesson about success is wrong because.. #neuroscience #brainhealth #mentalhealth

London Doctor Diaries - this has helped me get through so many jobs #neuroscience #brainhealth

London Doctor Diaries - a day in my life as a doctor + content creator🫶🏽 #dayinmylife #londonvlog

London Doctor Diaries: office politics and drama 👀#neuroscience #officepolitics #officedrama #brain

London Doctor Diaries: exploring London in Autumn #sad #seasonalaffectivedisorder #winterblues

London Doctor Diaries: Imposter syndrome is real #impostersyndrome #failureresume #neuroscience

what you wear affects your #mentalhealth #shorts #enclothedcognition #cognitivescience #neuroscience

wedding day vlog👰🏻‍♀️- come spend the day with us #weddingday #weddingvlog #weddings #shorts

London Doctor Diaries | my first solo Euro trip, London to Brussels, Bruges, eating alone..

come spend a random Sunday🍂 with us in #London #shorts #londonthingstodo #londonlife #londonvlog

Trying Banana Bread Matcha and Pumpkin Spiced Latte for the first time #shorts #autumnal #london

Mona in Paris - episode 5🎀🫶🏽#fabula #bestcafeinparis #bestcafe #parisrestaurants #parisvlog

Mona in Paris-episode 4🎀🫶🏽 #montmartre #dailyvlogs #montmarte #parisdiaries #parislife #parisvlog

London Doctor Diaries | fusion Nigerian-Ghanaian wedding, resetting, movie-date..