Все публикации

Portrait oil painting

Portrait painting #painting

Oil painting

Stepping into Sargent’s painting

Paint and trying out new art supplies

Sparkler No.002 meets AI

🖌️ unboxing water soluble oil pastels from Phoenix art materials

What happens when my painting meets AI

Limited edition prints for Light No.009

Figure oil painting

Painting with complementary colors

New painting work in progress

✨Varnishing makes the colors pop again

✨Trying to use up the last of my cadmium red paint #oilpaintingportrait


4K liquid turns an oil painting into high res ex

Figure oil painting

Varnish oil painting

4K magic water

✨4k varnish time✨

Figure oil painting

Restoring the frame with gold wax

Portrait oil painting

Figure oil painting - Floral No.002