Все публикации

Andras Stipsicz 'Lecture 2: Surface in 4-manifolds and the genus function'

Kyle Hayden 'Lecture3: Link homologies and knotted surfaces'

Kyle Hayden 'Lecture1: Link homologies and knotted surfaces'

Ina Petkova 'Annular link Floer homology and gl(1|1)'

Marco De Renzi 'Quantum and homological representations of mapping class groups of surfaces'

Eugene Gorsky 'Triply graded link homology: results and structures'

Melissa Zhang 'Quantum invariants and ribbon concordance, Turaev genus, and contact topology'

Adam Levine 'Khovanov homology and cobordisms between split links'

Samantha Allen 'Relationships between untwisting number and similar invariants'

Lukas Lewark 'Khovanov homology and rational unknotting'

Lightening talks - part 1

Lightening talks- part 2

Arik Wilbert 'Odd Khovanov homology, odd arc algebras, and real Springer fibers'

Andy Manion 'Decategorifying higher actions in Heegaard Floer homology'

Claudius Zibrowius 'Rasmussen invariants of Whitehead doubles and other satellites'

Matthew Hogancamp 'A Kirby color for Khovanov homology'

Peter Feller 'On the values taken by slice torus invariants'

Gage Martin 'Annular links, double branched covers, and annular Khovanov homology'

Radmila Sazdanovic: Bilinear pairings on two-dim cobordisms& generalizations of the Deligne category

Mikhail Khovanov 'Facets of the universal construction'

April 4 - Yvon Verberne 'Automorphisms of the fine curve graph'

March 14 - Ina Petkova 'A contact invariant from bordered Heegaard Floer homology'

March 21 - Anubhav Mukherjee 'Exotic surfaces and the family Bauer-Furuta invariant'

May 5 - Danny Ruberman 'Diffeomorphism groups of 4-manifolds and embedding spaces'