Все публикации

Modus Ponens - Module 1 (Part 16) | - MAT 203 DMS - S3(2019) CSE & IT | #ktu #btech

Fundamental Logic - Module 1 (Part 15) PYQ's | - MAT 203 DMS - S3(2019) CSE & IT | #ktu #btech

Fundamental Logic - Module 1 (Part 14) PYQ's | - MAT 203 DMS - S3(2019) CSE & IT | #ktu #btech

MAT 201 PDE & CA - Module 1 PDE -Formation of PDE - University Questions- S3(2019) - #ktu #btech

MAT 101 Linear Algebra & Calculus- Module 1 - Rank of a Matrix-PYQ's - KTU BTech S1(2019)#btech #ktu

MAT 101 Linear Algebra & Calculus- Module 1 - Introduction - Rank of a Matrix- KTU BTech S1(2019)

Logical Statement / MAT 203/

Diagonalization of Matrix #engineeringmathematics #btechmathematics #btech

Basic Integration -Part 2 (Definite Integrals) | Basic Mathematics for LET Students | BTech | KTU |

MAT 101 LINEAR ALGEBRA & CALCULUS- S1(2019) Scheme- Complete Playlist- KTU - First Semester BTech


MAT 102 VCDT- MATHEMATICS - Important Questions -Laplace Transforms (Module 5)- S2(2019) -KTU B.Tech

MAT 102 VCDT- MATHEMATICS - How to Score Minimum Pass Marks - S2(2019) -KTU B.Tech

MAT 102 Vector Calculus, Differential Equation (VCDT) -Revision (Part 5)-Module 5- S2(2019) -KTU

MAT 102 Vector Calculus, Differential Equation (VCDT) -Revision (Part 4)-Module 3- S2(2019) -KTU

MAT 102 Vector Calculus, Differential Equation (VCDT) -Revision (Part 3)-Module 2- S2(2019) -KTU

Lecturer in Polytechnics- Technical Mathematics- Mock Test 05- Kerala PSC Exam

Lecturer in Polytechnics- Technical Mathematics- Mock Test 04- Kerala PSC Exam

Lecturer in Polytechnics- Technical Mathematics- Mock Test 03- Kerala PSC Exam

Lecturer in Polytechnics- Technical Mathematics- Mock Test 02- Kerala PSC Exam

Lecturer in Polytechnics- Technical Mathematics- Mock Test 01- Kerala PSC Exam

Central Limit Theorem - Module 2 (Part 12)| MAT 202, 204, 208 S4 (2019) KTU B. Tech

Continuous Bivariate Random Variable (Part 11)| Module 2 | MAT 202, 204, 208 S4 (2019) KTU B. Tech

MAT 102 Vector Calculus & Differential Equation-Revision (Part 2)-Module 1- S2(2019) Scheme -KTU