Все публикации

Similarity transformation and diagonalization of matrix - part 2 #csirnetphysics #pgtrbphysics

Similarity transformation and diagonalization of matrix - part 1 #mathematicalphysics

Solving questions related to linear dependency of vectors , orthogonal and orthonormal vectors

Linear dependency of vectors, orthogonal and orthonormal vectors #csirnetphysicalsciences

Cayley Hamilton Theorem #csirnetphysics #mathematicalphysics #eigenvalues #eigenvectors

Rotation matrices - solving numerical problem related to it #csirnetphysics #mathematicalphysics

Eigen values and eigen vectors - part 5 (solving a numerical problem) #csirnetphysics

Inverse of a matrix - solving a numerical problem based on it #mathematicalphysics #csirnetphysics

Eigen values and eigen vectors - part 4 (solving a numerical problem from CSIR - NET June 2017)

Rank of a matrix #csirnetphysicalsciences #pgtrbphysics

Eigen values and eigen vectors - part 3 ( some more important points regarding eigen values)

Eigen values and eigen vectors - part 2 (some important points regarding eigen values)

Eigen values and eigen vectors - part 1 #csirnetphysicalsciences #mathematicalphysics

Solving numerical problems related to electric dipole moment #electromagnetictheory

Electric quadrapole moment and solving numerical problem related to it #electromagnetictheory

Dipole in an external electric field , interaction energy between electric, magnetic dipoles

Electric field and electric potential due to an electric dipole in spherical polar coordinates

Important equations in kinetic theory of gases #thermodynamics #csirnetphysics #tnsetphysics

Solving numerical problems related to properties of conductors #electromagnetictheory #pgtrbphysics

Basic properties of conductors #electromagnetictheory #csirnetphysics #pgtrbphysics #tnsetphysics

Solving numerical problems using electrostatic boundary conditions #pgtrbphysics #csirnetphysics

Electrostatic boundary conditions (amount of discontinuities in electric fields and potential)

My reply to subscribers comments on TNSET exam 2024 and link for downloading paper 1 material PDF

The concept of refrigerator and coefficient of performance #pgtrbphysics #thermodynamics