Все публикации

December 7, 2023

December 1, 2023

November 28, 2023

November 9, 2023

1 Hour of Ukrainian Orthodox Chants from Kyiv

Rare Orthodox Chants That Survived Communism

Nicene Creed

troparion tone 7 Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Transfiguration Kontakion Tone 7

Orthodox Chant for Transfiguration Tone 6

Transfiguration of The Lord Hymn to The Theotokos #christianity #orthodoxchant #transfiguration

Lost Ancient Orthodox Chants recorded in the Communist Era

orthodox vespers tone 7 #christian #vespers #orthodoxchristian

Orthodox Christian Obikhod (Common) Tone 7 IN DEPTH

Orthodox Christian Monks Medieval Chants from the far north

desert father quote of the day #desert #christianity #christian #orthodoxchristian

prokeimenon tone 8

Lord I call tone 7

Resurrectional Kontakion Tone 8 Orthodox Christian Chant

Resurrectional Troparion Tone 8 Orthodox Christian Chant

saint daily quote #kindness #orthodoxchristian

Saint Seraphim wisdom #orthodoxchristian #christianity #peace #seraphim

One Hour of Orthodox Christian Chants from Kyiv

Hymn to the Theotokos - St. Basil's Liturgy