Все публикации

Who should be writing user stories

How would you prepare to kick-off transitioning to Scrum

Are you a Certified Scrum Master

The Scrum Master Role as a Contradiction

What is the term velocity in Scrum

What are the main tools you have used in a Scrum project

How would you introduce Scrum to senior executives

How do you facilitate user story selection in Scrum

What indicators might there be that demonstrate agile practices are working for your organization

What are Scrum Masters overall responsibilities

Would you recommend formal Daily Scrums for all teams, no matter the size or experience level

Can you draw an example of a Scrum Team’s Kanban board — right now

What do you recommend a newly formed Scrum team works on first

Would you recommend following up on action items If so, how would you do that

How does the Scrum Master help the Product Owner

What is time boxing in Scrum

Can we apply Kanban in place of Scrum

How would you introduce Scrum to senior executives

How would you create the first Scrum team

How a Scrum Master track the progress of a Sprint

How do you deal with scope creep in Scrum or Agile Teams

With what metrics would you assess the value of a user story

A member does not want to participate in Sprint Planning. How do you deal with this attitude

How do you approach Daily Scrums with distributed teams