Все публикации

If 7sin^2A + 3cos^A = 4,show that tanA = 1/√3.

If sinA + cosA =√3, then prove that tanA + cotA = 1.

If tanA=5/12,find the value of (sinA+cosA)secA.

If secA + tanA =m ,show that (m^2-1)/(m^2+1) =sinA.

If tanA+sinA=m and tanA-sinA=n,prove that (m^2 - n^2) =4√mn.

1/(cosecA-cotA) - 1/sinA = 1/sinA - 1/(cosecA+cotA)

1/(secA-tanA) - 1/cosA = 1/cosA - 1/(secA+tanA)

sinA(1+tanA)+cosA(1+cotA) = (secA+cosecA)

(secA+tanA-1)/(tanA-secA+1) = cosA/(1-sinA)

Prove That :- √(secA-1)/√(secA+1) +√(secA+1)/√(secA-1) =2cosecA.

Prove That :- cosecA/(cosecA -1) + cosecA/(cosecA + 1) = 2sec^2A

prove that :- sin^6A + cos^6A = 1- 3sin^2Acos^2A


prove that: (tan^2A-tan^2B)=(sin^2A-sin^2B)/cos^2Acos^2B =(cos^2B-cos^2A)/cos^2Bcos^2A

Prove That:- 2cos^2A + 2/(1+cot^2A) = 2

pove that : (sinA-cosecA) (cosA-secA)=1/tanA+cotA

(sinA+secA)^2+(cosA+cosecA)^2 =(1+secAcosecA)^2


tanA/(1-cotA)+ cotA/(1+tanA+cotA)

sinA-cosA+1/sinA+cosA-1= 1/secA-tanA

Prove that : cotA-cosA/cotA+cosA =cosecA-1/cosecA+1

Prove that : sin^3A+Cos^3A/sinA+cosA +sinAcosA=1

Prove that: (sin theta + cosec theta)2+ (cos theta + sec theta)2 = 7 + tan2 theta + cot2 theta

Prove that : (1+cotA-cosecA) (1+tanA+secA) =2