Все публикации

Head loss in pipe | Presussre drop in pipeline | Calculation of pressure drop | Darcy weisbach |

What is Ash? | Types of Ash | Bottom Ash | Fly Ash | Ash in thermal power plant |

How to convert Sea water into Drinking water? | Sea water Reverse Osmosis process | What is BWRO? |

Types of Orifice Plate | Function of different Orifice plate | Orifice flowmeter types |

Type of Differential Pressure Flowmeter | Orifice flowmeter | Nozzle flowmeter | Venturi flowmeter |

Differential Pressure Type Flow Meter | Working and Principle of DP Flowmeter | Flowmeter Working |

m3/hr to T/hr | Conversion of T/hr to m3/hr | Conversion of mass flow rate into volumatric flow rate

Types of Flow Meter | Various types of flow meter used in industry | Flow Meter Types in Hindi |

Rotameter | Flow Measuring device | Function of Rotameter | Rotameter in Hindi |

Quick Exhaust Valve | Function of quick exhaust valve | Operation of quick exhaust valve |

Air Blaster | Air Blaster Internal Part | Working and Principle of Air Blaster in Hindi |

Hydrotest of Plate Type Heat Exchanger | Hydrotest of Heat Exchanger | Heat Exchanger in Hindi |

Standard Operating Procedure of CCCW Pump | SOP of CCW Pump in Power Plant |

CCCW System in Power Plant | Purpose of CCCW System in Thermal Power Plant |

Plate Type Heat Exchanger | PHE | Working of Plate Heat Exchanger | PHE in industry |

Kerala BOE 2016 | Numerical Solution on Super heater |

Expenditure on Alkali Boil-Out and Hot Passivation | Cost of Chemical used during Alkali Boil-Out |

Hot Passivation | Hot Passivation of Boiler | Procedures for Hot Passivation of Boiler |

Chemical Requirement for Alkali Boil-Out | Quantity of Chemical for Alkali Boil-Out |

Alkali Boil-Out Procedure | Why Alkali Boil-Out needed on new Boiler? | Alkali Boil-Out in Hindi |

Start-Up Vent | Loss of Steam due to Start-Up Vent Opening | Start-Up Vent in Hindi |

Purpose of Start-Up Vent in Boiler | Why Start-Up Vent provided in Boiler? |

Variable Frequency Drive | VFD | Importance of VFD in Drive | Energy Saving by using VFD |

Why insulation is required on Steam pipe line? | Purpose of Insulation on Heated pipe line |