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A boy whose eye level is 1.35 m from the ground, spots a balloon moving with the wind in a....

Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal. Using above..

Places A and B are 180 km apart on a highway. One car starts from A and another from B at the....

Solve the following system of linear equations graphically : x + 2y = 3, 2x - 3y + 8 = 0.

Metallic silos are used by farmers for storing grains. Farmer Girdhar has decided to build a new...

Triangle is a very popular shape used in interior designing. The picture given above shows a...

Ms. Sheela visited a store near her house and found that the glass jars are arranged one above the..

The area of the triangle formed by the line 𝑥/a + y/b = 1 with the coordinate axes is :

The hour-hand of a clock is 6 cm long. The angle swept by it between 7:20 a.m. and 7:55 a.m. is :

In a pool at an aquarium, a dolphin jumps out of the water travelling at 20 cm per second.

How many terms of the arithmetic progression 45, 39, 33,…… must be taken so that their sum is 180 ?

In an annual day function of a school, the organizers wanted to give a cash | Case Study Base Qtn.

Ryan, from a very young age, was fascinated by the twinkling of stars and the vastness of space...

A ball is thrown in the air so that t seconds after it is thrown, its height h metre above its...

Ms Mukta planned a prime number game for class 5 students. She announces the number 2 in her class

A cottage industry produces a certain number of toys in a day. The cost of production of each toy...

February 14 is celebrated as International Book Giving Day and many countries in the world...

Q6 & Q7 - AD is a median of ∆ABC with vertices A(5, -6), B(6, 4) and C(0, 0). Length AD is equal to

Q4 & Q5 - In an A.P, if the first term a = 7, nth term an = 84 and the sum of first n terms....

Q1, Q2 & Q3 - If the roots of the equation ax² + bx + c = 0, a ≠ 0 are real and equal, then

Let z be a complex number such that |z|+ z = 3 + i (where i = √-1) | Complex Numbers | JEE Math

The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages..

Khushi wants to organize her birthday party. Being health conscious, she decided to serve only..

Q2 - In the Δ ABC shown below, ∠X : ∠Y = 1:2. What is tan x?