Все публикации

Package Management using dpkg on Ubuntu

Package Management using apt on Ubuntu

Running commands as root

Seeing the processes other Linux Users are running

VirtualBox - Deleting a Virtual Machine

VirtualBox - Setting Up NAT Network

Ubuntu Linux - What is root?

Using the Vi/Vim editor on Ubuntu

Using the Nano editor on Ubuntu

Using the Emacs editor on Ubuntu

Switching between Virtual Terminals on Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop Installation

Using Tuples in Lists for Sorting in Python

Using Tuples in Python

Creating a Layer 3 WireGuard Tunnel on Linux

Creating a Layer 2 GRE Tunnel using Open vSwitch Bridges on Linux

Creating Open vSwitch Bridges and Connecting Interfaces on Linux

Abstract Classes in Python

Creating a Layer 3 GRE Tunnel on Linux

Class Inheritance in Python

Addition Operator Overloading in Python

Converting class instances to strings using Operator Overloading in Python

Installing Nagios Core on Rocky Linux 9.3

Class Modifiers and Properties in Python