Все публикации

Podcast generated by AI on fundraising for startups

Gemini Side panel :: Trailer

Gemini Side Panel trailer

The gatekeeper of LinkedIn #shorts

Hashicorp vs the world #shorts

JavaScript vs TypeScript drama #shorts

Building an AI startup online - backend + ngrok + webhooks - Episode 2

Building an AI startup online - Episode 1

PairProgram - landing page feedback

The truth about startups #shorts

Finally! Stripe Payment Links 'Custom Fields' have landed!

A.I. startups are cool but...this?

You gotta vote on the future uploaded video

After hours experimenting…at the office

BBQ as a weekday lunch? Only in Texas!

Staying hydrated in a tech office space in ATX

Worst to best: office meeting rooms ranked by a developer

Morning routine as a developer for a startup in the Austin, TX tech scene

Exploring the No Code Customer Portal by Stripe

Landing page feedback for WeStrive

Stripe/Zapier Tutorial [2022-2023 Update] - Automate the delivery of purchases

Landing page feedback for Chequptime.com

Pay what you want lands on Stripe - FINALLY

No-Code pricing page, made EASY using Stripe Pricing Tables