Все публикации

Come and join with our MSIB Batch 6 mentees to sing Synergy - The Official Song of ECCNE Program🤩🙌

Let’s sing ‘Aim Higher’ (NGTS Program official song) with our MSIB Batch 6 mentees! 🤩✨

Nutrition Goes to School (NGTS) jingle in Indonesian sign language🙌

The 4 pillars of balanced nutrition🤩

Celebrating SEAMEO RECFON's 13th Anniversary with Board of Directors (BoD) and Experts🤩

Who are we? We are I-RECFON!🤩

SEAMEO RECFON organised a “Halal Bihalal” event for its staff and MSIB Batch 6 Mentees

SEAMEO RECFON 13th Anniversary cosplay party

Sosialisasi NGTS Kota Malang

Internship Experience of the Postgraduate Student from Nagasaki University in SEAMEO RECFON

Internship Experience of the Postgraduate Student from Nagasaki University in SEAMEO RECFON

Annual Report 2022 2023

Input and Sugestion Video

Workshop Manuskrip Guru 2023

School Base Mangement

Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah/Madrasah (MBS)


Webinar HGN 2023 UAD

Regional Webinar 12th Anniversary SEAMEO RECFON

SEAMEO RECFON Annual Achievement 2021 2022 Video

Video Pengolahan Pangan Analisis Mikrobiologi

Video Pengolahan Pangan Metanil yellow

Video Pengolahan Pangan Formalin

Video Pengolahan Pangan Boraks