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Summer Reading 2023 at the Oconee County Public Library!

Holocaust Talk by Trude Heller - April 13, 2015

Summer Reading 2022 at the Oconee County Public Library!

A Christmas for Bear | Storytime with Miss Darcy

Rudolph's Nose | Storytime Rhyme

Shaker Hokey Pokey | Storytime Song

Five in the Bed | Storytime Song

Buenos Días | Bilingual Storytime Hello Song

If You're a Monster and You Know It | Storytime Song

This Old Man | Storytime Song

Leaves Are Falling | Storytime Song

I'm a Knife, Fork, Spoon, Spatula | Storytime Song

Roly Poly | Storytime Song

The Pigeon HAS to Go to School! | Storytime with Miss Darcy

Sally the Camel | Storytime Song

The Gruffalo | Storytime with Miss Darcy

Can You Move with Me? | Storytime Song

I'm a Frog | Storytime with Miss Darcy

Itsy Bitsy Spider / La araña pequeñita | Bilingual Storytime Song

Bear Snores On | Storytime with Miss Darcy

Old MacDonald Had a Farm w/ ASL Signs | Storytime Song

The Peculiar Pig | Storytime with Miss Darcy

There Once Was an Alligator | Storytime Rhyme

Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear | Storytime with Miss Darcy