Все публикации

top NA gangplank got bricked up with his play! #leagueoflegends #shorts

thebausffs mastery with zed is kinda nutty?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

tyler1 scuffing at a typical EU jhin ad main KEKW #leagueoflegends #shorts

top NA #1 shaco 1v9 gameplay no kick #leagueoflegends #shorts

tyler1: “Yeah, I owned that guy” #leagueoflegends #shorts

top NA #1 gangplank needs a back massage after this play! #leagueoflegends #shorts

jax still pretty broken after the nerf?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

gangplank is the new counter for k’sante?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

gangplank damage made orrn looks paper! #leagueoflegends #shorts

lee’sin stand no chance against gangplank legend #leagueoflegends #shorts

bro might just need a back massage after this #leagueoflegends #shorts

bro be licking rakkan b**ls after this save?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

200 IQ box play had top NA #1 shaco cracking up #leagueoflegends #shorts

2/13 thebausffs gragas puts the riven in her place #leagueoflegends #shorts

not even this zed play could faze pinwardlol?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

bro probably think the top NA #1 gangplank is scripting now #leagueoflegends #shorts

thebausffs puts the kha'zix to sleep real quick?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

where did kayn dissapeared to mid ult?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts

top NA #1 gangplank vs life of an ADC KEKW #leagueoflegends #shorts

faker gigachad gameplay in LCK KEKW #leagueoflegends #shorts

bro really just ksed big boi tyler1 #leagueoflegends #shorts

solarbacca vs life of an adc moment KEKW #leagueoflegends #shorts

top NA #1 gangplank nasty triple passive reset #leagueoflegends #shorts

bro tried to contest top NA #1 shaco player?!? #leagueoflegends #shorts