Все публикации

Sum of 1 to n or sum of 1st n natural number. #education #logic

Print Fibonacci series up to n terms. #fibonacci #cprogramming #coding

Execute c program using function key F7. #cprogramming #f7 #education

Print pattern #pattern #cprogramming #codecoding

digital clock using c #clock #cprogramming #education

Print pattern3 #pattern #cprogramming #codecoding

Print pattern2 #pattern #cprogramming #codecoding

Print pattern #pattern #cprogramming #codecoding

Program for find the ascii value of any charactor #ascii

What is Perfect number? #perfect #cpricornuszodiac #logic

Check given number is Armstrong or not #armstrong #programming #logic

Check the given number is palindrome or not #palindrome #cprogramming

Find the reverse of given number. #cprogramming #code #revers

Find the factors of given number #factors #education #cprogramming

factorial of given number #programming #code #education

table of given number. #education #table #cprogramming #code

Check given number is prime or not. #education #programming #prime

swapping without third variable. #education #cprogramming #swapping

Swap two numbers using third variable #education #swap #cprogramming

The number is positive or negative? #cprogramming #code #logic

C program the number is even or odd. #cprogramming #code #programming

C program for add two numbers. #cprogramming #code #programming

Print the pattern #education #alalgorithms #algorithmpractice #flowchart

Print the pattern #flowchart #education #programming