Все публикации

IM 3 writing linear functions

Solving quadratics with square roots - worksheet

IM 2 solving quadratics with square roots

Circuit reduction using concepts of Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent theories.

Find number of bacteria after 24 hours given B=10 when t=0 and B=189 when t=7.

Covering the relationship between mass and displacement involving a string and hanger.

Approaching a circuit problem with a focus on parallel and series resistors, and finding EMF.

intergrating trig functions to high powers using u-sub. Error corrected in description

Conditional Formatting Excel

Easy to understand explanation of the answer. LMK if you have any questions!

Quick explanation of how to calculate this. Feel free to comment any questions!

Given R is between Q and S and expressions for QR, RS and QS, find length of QS.

Finding the Height of a Kite Using Equilibrium of Forces

Write the equation of a circle given coordinates of its center and its radius.

Finding the Average Force on a Bullet in Two Ways

IM 2 extra practice solving quadratics

How to you determine a Riemann sum for a function when the number of rectangles is large?

Solving quadratics by factoring part 2

Solving by factoring part 1

Find all numbers on the number line that are a distance less than or equal to 12 from the number 7.

Review of factoring, part 2

Part 1 of factoring review

Dr. Christal-Joy Turner's Step-by-Step guide for Solving A Probability Word Problem

Find alll angles between -2pi and 2pi inclusive with a cosine of sqrt(3)/2.