Все публикации

To prove that the Ring of Integer is a principal Ideal Ring // Ring theory

If f be a homomorphismof a Ring R into a ring R' with kernel S then S is an ideal of R //Ring theory

To prove that the Intersection of two Ideal is again an Ideal of a Ring R // Ring Theory

If f be a homo. of a Ring R into R' & S' be homomorphic image of R into R' then S' be subring of R'

Homomorphisms on Rings & kernel of Homomorphisms on Rings//Ring Theory.........

To prove that a field has no proper Ideal #11//Ring theory........

Left Ideal ,Right Ideal & Ideal with an example #10 // Ring Theory............

To prove that the zero element in a Ring is unique #9 // Ring theory

Intersection of two subrings is also a subring of a Ring R #8 // Ring theory

To prove the necessary &sufficient condition for a non-empty subset of Ring R to be a subring of R#7

Every field is neccessary an Integral Domain but converse is not true#6 //RING THEORY

Integral Domain in Ring theory #5//Ring Theory



The set of integers is a Ring w.r.t addition & multiplication #2// Ring Theory.....

What is Ring ? #1//Ring theory

Cauchy's theorem for finite abelian group // Group theory....

State & Proof Caratheodory's Theorem// THEORY OF REAL ANALYSIS...

Plank's Law for Black Body Radiation.......

Any Two infinite cyclic subgroups are isomorphic to each other //Group Theory........

Any Two cyclic group of same order are isomorphic to each other( For finite order)//Group theory

Every subgroup of an Avilian group is normal subgroup//Group Theory //b.sc (maths)

Bounded Set ,I.u.b(Supremum)&g.l.b(Infimum)//Real analysis

Centre of mass of two bodies// System of particles//Physics