Все публикации

CA aspirants need this transition 😅

House Property CA Inter(Notes)

Sale of Goods Act Unit 1,2,3,(Notes)

Indian Contract Act (Unit-3,4,5,6)Notes

Indian Partnership Act and LLP Notes

welcome to Intermediate 👍

Probability (CA Foundation) Notes

My Result CA foundation June 2022

Important Discussion 🤔?

Statistical Description of data (notes)

Companies Act Sections and Case laws

Countdown for June 22 exams

Dates and Headquarters

Correlation and Regression (notes)

Business Economics , Theory of production.

Companies Act Notes (part2)

Indian Contract Act (Sections)

Business Laws, Companies Act 2013(notes)

Business Mathematics (permutation and combination) important questions

Economics Test

Test yourself (Time value of money)

Test yourself (Seating Arrangements)

Test yourself (direction sense test)

Test yourself (Blood relation) logical reasoning