Все публикации

Docker is a platform to develop, deploy, and run applications with containers. #docker #container

E-commerce App using @flutterdev and @Firebase || Introduction to App

Unboxing Google Cloud goodies

GitHub Pages || Create Your First Website using GitHub Pages

Real-Time Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion) in Python

Create your own Google Assistant Action within 5 minutes

Google Assistant Setup | OK-Google-Virtual-Resume| Step -2 | Google Assistant | Action on Google

Virtual Resume on Google Assistant | Step-1 | Google Assistant | DialogFlow Setup | Action on Google

Eye blink detection

Vehicle Detection by using SVM with HOG features - OpenCV (Source Code link in Description)

Real-time facial landmark detection with OpenCV, Python, and dlib

Object Detection using HOG Linear SVM in Python

Vehicle detection with HOG based SVM sliding window detections

Example of sliding window for HOG based SVM vehicle detection

Vehicle detection with HOG based SVM

Real Time Face, Eyes and Mouth Detection using OpenCV in Python (with code)