Все публикации

Application of derivatives Ex-6.2|Increasing|#class12maths #increasinganddecreasingfunctions

NCERT Exemplar class 9 | Chapter 3 | coordinate geometry | Solution |#ncertmaths9 #ncertexemplar

Ncert exemplar problems class 12 maths| Application of derivatives|Chapter 6|Solutions|#derivatives

Ncert exemplar problems class 12 maths| Application of derivatives|Chapter 6|Solutions|#derivatives

Ncert exemplar problems class 12 maths Ex-6.1| Application of derivatives|Chapter 6|#derivatives

Ncert exemplar problems class 12 maths| Application of derivatives|Chapter 6|Solutions|#derivatives

Application of derivatives class 12 ex-6.1 Q.No-10 to 18| NCERT | #derivatives #class12maths

Application of derivatives class 12 ex-6.1 NCERT | #derivatives #class12maths #differentiation

Application of derivatives NCERT Chapter 6 | #derivatives #class12maths #differentiation#biharboard

Find the relationship between a and b, so that the function 'f' defined by f(x) = ax+1 |#derivatives

Continuity & Differentiability| Class 12| most important questions| CBSE |ISC|JEE-Main | NDA2023Math

Find dy/dx | Differentiate following w.r.t. x|#derivatives #differentiation #class12maths #nda2023

Find dy/dx | Differentiate following w.r.t. x|#derivatives #differentiation #class12maths #nda2023

Continuity & Differentiability| Class 12| most important questions| CBSE |ISC|JEE-Main | NDA2023Math

Continuity & Differentiability| Class 12| most important questions| CBSE |ISC|JEE-Main | NDA2023Math

Solve the following equations using matrix|#matrices #matricquestion #class12maths #matrixclass12

Find the value of k,for which f(x) is continuous at x = 0|Continuity & Differentiability|Class12|NDA

Solve the following equations using matrix|#matrices #matricquestion #class12maths #matrixclass12

If x^y = e^(x - y),then show that dy/dx= log⁡x/{log⁡(xe) }^2 |#derivatives #cbseclass12 #iscclass12

Solve the following equations using matrix|#matrices #matricquestion #class12maths #matrixclass12

Derivatives by first principle|#derivatives #cbseboard#isc #class11maths #differentiation #jeemains

Derivatives by first principle|#derivatives #cbseboard#isc #class11maths #differentiation #jeemains

Find the value of dy/dx, if x = ae^theta(sintheta - costheta), and y = ae^theta(sintheta + costheta)

If x = square root of a^sin^-1t, y = square root of a^cos^-1t, then show that dy/dx = -y/x|#class12