Все публикации

Dimension of quotient space proof (dim V/W = dim V - dim W) | Lecture 49 | Linear Algebra

IIT JAM 2018 Linear Algebra solution ( Rank of Linear transformation ) | Lecture 7

IIT JAM 2017 Linear Algebra solution ( Linear transformation ) | Lecture 6

Quotient space is a vector space proof || Linear algebra || Lecture 48

Introducing quotient space in Linear Algebra (Part 1) | Define quotient space | Lecture 47

Linear algebra | Direct sum of subspaces example | How to prove direct sums? | Lecture 46

Direct sum of subspaces example | Finding basis and dimension | Lecture 45

Linear Algebra: Proving Sets Span the Same Space || Tutorial 2 || Lecture 44

Dimension of intersection of subspace (Tutorial 1) | Lecture-43 | Dimension | Linear Algebra

Lecture 42 | Dimension of a subspace can not exceed the dimension of vector space, extension theorem

Lecture 41 | Dimension of sum of Subspaces - dim(W1+W2)=dimW1+ dimW2 - dim(W1∩W2)

Lecture 40 | Solved example on Extension Theorem | Basis | Linear algebra

Lecture 39 | Proving Extension theorem of Linear algebra

Lecture 38 | Every finitely generated vector space has a basis | Existence theorem | Linear algebra

Lecture 37| Basis is a Minimal generating set | Linear algebra

Lecture 36 | Minimal generating set (Linear Algebra)

Lecture 35 | How to prove that Basis is a maximal linearly independent set? Linear Algebra

Lecture 34 | Understanding Maximal linearly independent subset of a vector space | Linear algebra

Basis and dimension of a vector space (Definition and examples) || Lecture 33

Lecture 32 | Set is linear dependent iff one of the vector is linear combination of preceding ones

Lecture 31 | Subset of linearly independent set and superset of linearly dependent set

Lecture 30 || Linear dependent and independent vectors within a polynomial vector space

Lecture 29 || Solved examples on linearly dependent and independent vectors in vector space

Lecture 28 || Vector space linearly independent and dependent vectors || Linear Algebra