Все публикации

“Queers Against Israel”? The American LGBTQ Community and Israel in the wake of the Gaza War

The TAU Task Force

Episode #37: Ido Aharoni & Eyal Zisser: Origins of Hamas Gaza War - Regional Perspective

Mini Course: An Introduction to Software Vulnerability Research

CW2023 AI & Cyber: Supercharge security with generative AI, Shay Elias, Customer Engineer, Google

Episode #33: Ido Aharoni & Idit Adler: Education is key to Inequality Reduction

Keynote Lecture: On Abolitionism by Daniel Loick (University of Amsterdam)

The Doomsday Economy by Ido Fuchs (Tel Aviv University)

Symbolic Violence and (De)colonized Approach in Humanitarian Care by Nena Mocnik


Chat with OpenAI CEO and and Co-founder Sam Altman, and Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever

Interview with Mr. Uwe Becker

Episode #19: Who Owns America? Lessons from the Civil war

Global breakthrough: Plants emit sounds!

The Hybrid Micro-Robot

The world's first mRNA vaccine for deadly bacteria

The appalling children's board game 'Jews out!' from Nazi Germany