Все публикации

Proverbs, ch 27 - Iron Sharpens Iron and the Wisdom of Relationships and Avoiding Pride & Boasting

2 Kings, ch 15 - Reigns of Several Kings of Israel & Judah, highlighted by Murder and Varying Faith

Proverbs, ch 26-Folly of Fools, Danger of Sluggards, and the Harm of Deceitful and Malicious Speech

2 Kings, ch 14-Amaziah Reigns in Judah, Jeroboam II Reigns in Israel and Retakes Land for Israel

Proverbs, ch 25 - Leadership, self-control, humility, and the power of words

2 Kings 13-Jehoahaz Reigns in Israel, Syria Attacks, Jehoash Reigns in Israel, Elisha's Death

Proverbs, ch 24 - Perseverance & Justice, envy, discernment, diligence & righteous living

2 Kings, ch 12 - Jehoash Repairs the Temple, Hazael Threatens Jerusalem, and the Death of Joash

Proverbs, ch 23 - Warning Against Overindulgence, Greed, and the Fleeting Nature of Wealth

2 Kings, ch 11- Athaliah murders Ahaziah's Sons, but Joash Escapes, and He is Crowned King a age 7

Proverbs, ch 22- Reputation, Humility, Diligence, Wisdom, and Consequences on Wealth & Relationships

2 Kings, ch 10-Ahab's Sons, Ahaziah's Brothers, Ahab's Family, the Worshipers of Baal are All Killed

Proverbs, ch 21 - Righteousness and Wisdom Over Sacrifice

2 Kings, ch 9 - Jehu is Israel's King, Kings Joram & Ahaziah are killed. Jezebel's Violent Death

Proverbs, ch 20 - Folly, Importance of Integrity, Consequences of Laziness, Dishonesty, & Strife

2 Kings, ch 8 - King Restore's the Shunamite Woman's Land, Ben-Hadad is Murdered, New Kings Named

Proverbs, ch 19 - Integrity, and the Value of Patience and Discipline

2 Kings, ch 7 - Elisha Prophecy's and the Syrian's Flee Before the Battle

Proverbs, ch 18 - Value of Wisdom, Power of Words, Seeking Understanding, & Warnings Rash Speech...

2 Kings, ch 6-Floating Axe Head, Blinded Syrians Captured, Famine Caused by Syria's Siege of Samaria

Proverbs, ch 17 - Wisdom, Integrity and Self-Control and the Consequences of Foolishness & Strife

2 Kings, ch 5 - Naaman's Leprosy Healed and Gehazi's Greed

Proverbs, ch 16 - Things of the Heart and God's Love and Guidance

2 Kings, ch 4 - Elisha Performs Miracles, Feeding a Woman & Her Son, Purifies Stew, and Feeds 100