Все публикации

Number Format Trick | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Dynamic Calendar | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Project deadline tracker in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Add leading Zero in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

How to Remove Duplicate Records in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

How to Find Top 3 values in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

How to import Data From Text File into Excel| Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Create Colored Arrows For data labels | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Sum Only positive/negative numbers | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Clean messy data part 12 - Unpivot Data With Power query | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Convert MS WORD to PowerPoint presentation with One Click 🤯🤯🤯 | #shorts

Automatic Format & Dynamic Serial Number | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Tornado chart with Rept Function | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

project progress bar in Google sheets | google sheet Tips and tricks | #shorts

Clean Messy Data Part 11 - Custom Sort | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Hand drawn chart in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Clean Messy Data Part 10 - Find And Replace Dialogue box | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

% of Total in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Date Picker in Google Sheets | google sheet Tips and tricks | #shorts

Clean Messy Data Part 9 - Split Data into Sheets | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

insert page break in MS Word | Word Tips and tricks | #shorts

Find people who are late to work in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Automatic Formatting in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts

Month Name From Date in Excel | Excel Tips and tricks | #shorts