Все публикации

What is Range? Find the Range of the following data 25,35,60,48,38,15,55

Round Whole Numbers class 8 | 548735 to 1 s.f 3 s.f and 5 s.f | 4763 to 2 significant figure

Mode for ungrouped data, Mode of ungrouped data Class 9 in urdu/hindi

What is Column Matrix | Matrix Class 9 | 10 | 12 | math class channel

Determinant of a 2-by-2 Matrix, Determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix Class 9

What is Skew-Symmetric Matrix | Matrix Class 9 | 10 | 12 | math class channel

How to find Addition and Subtraction of Matrices | Matrix Class 9 | 11 | 12 | math class channel

Write the Additive Inverse of each of the following Class 8, Write the Additive Inverse of following

Using Appropriate properties find -2/3×3/5+5/2-3/5×1/6

Using Appropriate properties find 2/5×(-3/7)-1/6×3/2+1/14×2/5

Calculate Mean Median and Mode from the following data 62,90,71,83,75

x+y+z=12 x2+y2+z2=64 xy+yz+zx=?

Find Square Root by Division Method in Urdu, Square Root of 11236 (√11236)

Find Square Root by Division Method in Urdu, Square Root of 3600 (√3600)

Find Square Root by Division Method in Urdu, Square Root of 400 (√400)

Convert 2 Hours 20 Minutes in to Seconds

Convert 1 Hour 15 Minutes in to Seconds

Write Next Three Natural Number after 10999, write next three natural number after 10999 class 6

LCM by prime factorisation method||LCM of 36 60 72|in Urdu||LCM

Convert Fraction 35/6 in to mixed fraction, Convert fraction into Mixed Fraction

Put Greater than Less than and Equal to between fractions - greater than less than equal to

Solve by Factorisation method for class 10, Solve by Factorization

Solve the following equation 1/3=2/x-1/6, solve the equation 1/3=2/x-1/6

Factorize Algebraic Expressions class 8, Factorize algebraic expressions class 8 in urdu